
WordPress Content Management System (WordPress CMS / WPCMS) for HKU


WordPress Content Management System (WordPress CMS) is one of the most popular opensource software web publishing platforms and around 35% of the Internet websites are powered by WordPress [1]. At HKU, around 23% of the webcloud websites are using WordPress CMS.

To facilitate departments who wish to set up their websites using WordPress CMS, a new platform using OpenShift technology and preinstalled with WordPress CMS and some commonly used WordPress plugins is launched since May 2020. Through this new platform, departments can set up their websites on WordPress CMS which has been installed readily.


  • Manpower savings in setting up and maintaining the WordPress CMS and its plugins

  • Improved security as ITS will ensure the version of WordPress is kept up-to-date with security patches and fixed applied

  • Supporting webpages with access control for use by HKU staff and students and authentication through Single Sign-On using HKU Portal UID/PIN is enabled

  • Theme templates and plugins are available for use and customization by departments

  • Little restriction in customization and departments with the necessary programming knowledge can tailor make a feature-rich and unique website on their own
  • Websites are hosting on ITS servers

1. Report of W3techs (